breakfast: coffee; fruit salad (pineapple, banana, blueberry, strawberry, apple, orange. Thank you Shelley’s mom!)
vegan cherry muffin and vegan berry coffee cake from Bollo’s during The Triplets of Belleville viewing
free snacks for virginia bicycle association at Gillie’s: spinach/mushroom filo dough pies; red and yellow pepper, carrot, tomatoes, broccoli, and pita with hummus; strawberries; grapes; french bread; Magic Hat #9 (vegan according to Barnivore)
tamale with corn, cilantro, mole, and TVP from Oasis World Market
falafel chips from Eats
dinner: Moosewood lasagna (including tofu, spinach, mushrooms, Daiya); cheesy garlic bread (with Daiya cheese); salad (romaine, spinach, walnuts, red bell pepper, cucumber, balsamic vinaigrette)

dessert: Moosewood chocolate cake; Purely Decadent Cherry Nirvana and Chocolate Obsession ice creams (thank you Shelley’s mom!)
Dogfish Head 60-Minute IPA (vegan according to Barnivore); Sam Adams Winter Lager (vegan according to Barnivore)
absinthe with sugar and ice water in hot tub
more leftovers from Everlasting Life (seaweed salad, garlicky kale salad, tofu skin, vegan “chicken” tofu salad)