March 2, 2010


March 2, 2010 - .  

toasted whole wheat cinnamon-raisin bread with peanut butter; grapefruit

mini everything bagel toasted with grandma’s hummus, fava bean puree, and spinach; grapefruit; lemon poppyseed cookies

soup based on this soup and bread based on this bread; lemon poppyseed cookie; dried mango

more rosemary garlic bread, pitted black olives

fresh ginger tea


March 2, 2010 - .  

tj’s honey-os with soymilk. oj.

6-inch subway sandwich with veggies, oregano, a tiny bit of sweet honey sauce. mini bag of lay’s potato chips

apple with peanut butter

greasy chinese takeout from wok ‘n’ roll, a place in hyde park which sadly doesn’t live up to its amazing name. mu shu vegetable with no egg split between two people.

ciao bella coconut sorbet and flax ginger muffins that i arrived at through some random but important internet research i was doing this afternoon. did you all know that joaquin phoenix is vegan?

lime tea

March 1, 2010


March 1, 2010 - .  

breakfast: granola with almonds; Whole Soy & Co. peach soy yogurt (I’m trying not to buy Silk because, in addition to recently starting to use non-organic soybeans, they wrote Stacey a very misleading email about whether or not they were starting to use non-organic soybeans:

Thank you for contacting WhiteWave Foods. We appreciate the opportunity to address your comments.

In 2008 Silk® partnered with Conservation International to create Silk’s Soybean Sourcing and Production Program, which reinforces our values and commitment to sourcing soybeans that are produced in a sustainable, socially responsible and ethical manner. We are very proud of this work, and are continuing our work with Conservation International on future initiatives.

Here are a few of the highlights from Silk’s Sourcing Program:
• Currently, we source all of our beans from North America. If the product is from Silk, the soybeans are from North America.
• Silk is not sourcing beans from China. In the past, we have sourced a small portion of beans from China. Silk stopped contracting for soybeans from China at the end of 2006.
• We only partner with suppliers that can produce beans that pass our robust quality testing and evaluation protocols.
• All Silk soybeans – non-genetically modified organism (GMO) and organic – are currently sourced domestically.
• Our non-GMO beans are put through robust quality testing and evaluation protocols.
• We have comprehensive testing protocols in place to detect GMOs, pesticide residue and other potential contaminants – all of which are above and beyond regulatory requirements.
• Organic soybeans purchased by Silk are certified organic by independent agencies accredited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), in compliance with the organic standards set by the National Organic Program (NOP).

For further information, we encourage you to visit our Web site: ( We appreciate your ongoing support, and remain committed to consistently providing consumers with high-quality, great-tasting soymilk.

Consumer Response Representative

Stacey and I sort of argued about this; I thought it sounded like a sincere email in which they were saying all their soybeans are organic and non-GMOs, but Stacey thought they sneakily failed to address the North American, non-domestic soybeans, and that they might have used the phrase “Silk soybeans” to mean only the beans that they grow themselves (rather than those they outsource). I had trouble believing that anyone would be so evasive.

I just saw this at the store, so I guess Stacey was right:

lunch: hummus and creamy lemon pecan spread with pita; half a Field Roast sausage; olives; peanut butter cookie

snack: two brat buns


brat bun (vegan) with Field Roast smoked apple sage sausage and beet-horseradish spread; roasted beets with onion, garlic, and olive oil; olives; cilantro cole slaw (click for the recipe); Yellow tail Shiraz (“vegan friendly” according to their website); raspberry Mamba


  • small head purple cabbage, chopped thin
  • 1 bunch cilantro, chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • juice of 1 lime
  • 1/4-1/3 c vegan mayonnaise, depending on how much you like this stuff (I used Spectrum canola spread)
  • 1 T olive oil
  • cayenne pepper to taste (about 1/4 tsp)
  • black pepper and salt

Toss all ingredients together.


March 1, 2010 - .  

whole wheat cinnamon-raisin bread from freezer, toasted, with peanut butter

multigrain tortilla with grandma’s hummus (see previous posts: best hummus in the world) and spinach; texas sweet orange

spelt zucchini muffin; small jonathan apple

split pea soup with beer bread, both made previously and stored in freezer; dried mango

i made more lemon poppyseed cookies in an attempt to satiate the craving which is constantly being intensified by my continued failed efforts to find an alternative baking company luscious lemon poppyseed cookie anywhere in austin! the two stores that i know to sell them have been out of that flavor for weeks; the last time i checked (today, at both stores) one was completely out of any flavor, and one had only like 4 cookies left total, so i’m hoping they will restock! in the meantime, these cookies which come from a slightly altered random internet recipe did a pretty good job of keeping the craving at bay, if not competely satisfying it. recipe here.


  • 1/2 c vegan cane sugar
  • 1/2 c light brown sugar
  • 1/2 c earth balance
  • 1/2 c plain soy yogurt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • zest and juice of one lemon
  • poppy seeds

cream together the sugars and earth balance until fluffy. add the yogurt and vanilla and mix. mix in the rest of the ingredients. make large cookies and bake for 12-14 minutes at 350.


March 1, 2010 - .  

ezekiel raisin toast with tofutti cream cheese. oj.

greens with nut/seed sauce (see previous post), root fries, quinoa


veggie burger on english muffin with bbq and tomato. root fries with nut/seed sauce.

tofutti cutie

tiny bit of 3 buck chuck shiraz

another tofutti cutie, last one

February 28, 2010


February 28, 2010 - .  

homemade whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread, toasted

last of: orzo, chickpeas, dandelion greens, spicy tomato-basil sauce; fresh rosemary from a friend’s garden; texas sweet orange

banana date scone made by my housemate from veganomicon; leftover bennu coffee

split pea soup from freezer (recipe from the vegan table) with salsa huichol, molasses beer bread from freezer; more beer bread, toasted with strawberry conserve

dark chocolate covered sandwich cookies and dark chocolate covered raisins from central market bulk bins


February 28, 2010 - .  

2 blueberry muffins from freezer with earth balance. oj.

quinoa, root fries, sauteed/steamed kale with nut sauce

tofutti cutie

pita with cedar’s horseradish hummus

shiraz from tj’s

February 27, 2010


February 27, 2010 - .  

breakfast: Special K (vegan variety; may vary per region) with soymilk; soy latte

snack: peanut butter cookie dough and cookies (mix 1/2 c earth balance, 1/2 c peanut butter, 1/2 c brown sugar, 1/4 c granulated sugar, 1/4 c agave, 1 tsp vanilla. Add 3/8 c soymilk whisked with 1 T corn starch as egg replacer. Then add mixed dry ingredients: 1.25 c flour, 3/4 tsp baking powder, 1/2 tsp baking soda, 1/4 tsp salt. Bake 350F for about 8 minutes.)

I don’t really know if this recipe is any good so I’m going to wait to add it to the recipe database, since after making the dough I realized that there is not a baking sheet in my sublet apartment, and the makeshift aluminum foil/broiler-drip-pan solution sucked. They were too cooked on the bottom and still doughy on the top.

dinner: leftover black bean sweet potato enchiladas; leftover kale salad; leftover pasta with olive/tempeh sauce; yuelski (a variant on the greinski… click for the recipe)


  • 1-2 shots whiskey
  • juice of one lemon
  • a dollop (maybe about 1 T) agave nectar
  • big pinch of chopped Italian parsley
  • ice


dessert: more peanut butter cookies


February 27, 2010 - .  

homemade whole wheat cinnamon raisin bread, toasted; texas sweet orange

leftover bennu coffee; 1/2 lemon poppyseed cookie and tahini lime cookie (see yesterday’s post)

leftover orzo, chickpeas, spicy tomato-basil sauce, raw dandelion greens, fresh rosemary

1/2 lemon poppyseed cookie and tahini lime cookie…

small jonagold apple

homebrewed lager + tastes of hops (ick) and malt (yum) + a homebrewed belgian double (guess what i was doing!)

cornflakes with raisins and soy milk

sushi-themed potluck: seaweed salad; sushi with sweet potato, avocado, beet, green pepper, sprouts, chives, spinach, umeboshi plum; lemony saketini; strawberries and kiwi; chocolatier dark chocolate with lavender flowers


February 27, 2010 - .  

breakfast at the chicago diner: tamale corncakes (Masa & roasted corn-jalapeño pancakes with salsa, Fiero sauce, sliced avocados & ciltantro)

white quinoa, kale with nut sauce, root fries

tofutti cutie

pita and horseradish hummus


February 26, 2010


February 26, 2010 - .  

breakfast: Cheerios with soymilk; coffee; second half of Nana’s chocolate chip cookie

lunch: leftover pasta with tempeh/olive sauce

snack: Alternative Baking Company cookie of the season, peanut butter chocolate chip (AT LEAST IT WASN’T LEMON POPPYSEED); a couple spoonfuls of Purely Decadent Dulce de Leche soy ice cream

dinner: black bean and sweet potato enchiladas (click for the recipe);


  • two large sweet potatoes or similar kind of potato (mine had a darker skin than typical sweet potatoes and were yellow/white on the inside instead of orange/red.. I don’t know what variety of potato they were), peeled and chopped into chunks
  • 1-2 T olive oil
  • 2-3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 chipotle pepper from canned chipotle in adobo, chopped small. Ingredients in case you want to try to make chipotle in adobo yourself: chipotle peppers, tomato puree, paprika, sugar, salt, onions, soybean oil, distilled vinegar, garlic, bay leaves, oregano.
  • 1+ T adobo sauce from the canned chipotles (more if you want it to be spicier)
  • 1 can (15.5oz) black beans
  • 2 cups salsa
  • handful of cherry tomatoes, halved if small and quartered if big. Any form of diced tomato would work.
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1/2 onion chopped very small (preferably red)
  • flour tortillas (about 8 large)
  • chopped cilantro (1/4 c or so)
  • one lime

Roast the sweet potato chunks in a bit of the olive oil at 400F for about 25 minutes, until tender.

In a saucepan, briefly saute the garlic and chopped chipotle in about a T of oil. Once fragrant, add the adobo sauce, beans, 1/2 c salsa, tomatoes, and salt and pepper to taste. Saute for about 5 minutes.

Lay each tortilla on a flat surface and add a couple big spoonfuls of the filling (it’s okay if it seems like less filling than you’d want in a wrap… you eat this more like a casserole and the extra tortilla is tasty). Roll into a narrow cylinder.

Add about 3/4 c salsa to the bottom of a lightly oiled 9 x 13″ baking pan. Add the enchiladas side-by-side. Top with the remaining 3/4 c salsa along with the onion.

Bake at 350F for about 30 minutes, until it is browning and bubbling. Check halfway through to see if it looks dry, and if it does, add more salsa to the top. After removing from oven, sprinkle cilantro and squeeze the juice of the lime on top.

kale salad (a simpler version of the one I made two days ago. 1 bunch raw, washed, chopped kale marinated in 2 T olive oil and 1 T Bragg’s, with sunflower seeds and 1.5T nutritional yeast. This time I tried “massaging” (kneading) the kale to help soften it. A girl at Rooting DC suggested doing this. She said it would eventually start oozing green juice, but all I got was a little green stain on my hands. I massaged it after it was chopped, washed, and dry. I’m going to try massaging the leaves whole to see if it has a bigger effect, and I’m going to try massaging it with a bit of water);

greinski (click for the recipe)


  • 1 or 2 shots whiskey (depending on how much you like whiskey)
  • juice of one entire juicy lime.  Use more limes if the lime is not very juicy.
  • dollop of agave nectar (about 1 T?)
  • large pinch of chopped cilantro
  • ice



February 26, 2010 - .  

breakfast: a pretzel rod and some salty pumpkin seeds

lunch: leftover salads from Everlasting Life.  All of my non vegan co workers loved the “chicken salad.”  i think there was probably enough for three meals out of this, but I went overboard and almost finished it.

snacks: coffee and soy milk from Marvelous Market. Pretzel rods

dinner: leftover salads from Everlasting Life and pasta with melted Follow Your Heart cheese with tomatoe sauce, onion and garlic

desert: apple


February 26, 2010 - .  

oatmeal with diced anjou pear, almond extract, almond milk

mini-lunch of samples and “samples” at central market: onion crackers with red relish, chips with burnt orange salsa, honey Os, yucca chips, magic pop with peanut butter and agave, many different kinds of bread, cherry tomatoes, at least 5 different kinds of citrus, dried cantaloupe, dried pear, dark chocolate covered coffee beans, dark chocolate covered sandwich cookies. i love fridays at central market!

multi-grain tortilla with fava bean puree, roasted hot green pepper, spinach, ginger-miso dressing; grapefruit; spelt zucchini muffin

small gala apple

leftovers: orzo, chickpeas, dandelion greens, spicy tomato-basil sauce

palo alto reserve red wine, no idea if it was vegan..

baked a half batch each of tahini-lime cookies and nyc black and white cookies from vegan cookies invade your cookie jar. for the black and whites, i didn’t make the frosting, but added extra orange and lemon zest, lemon juice, and poppy seeds to make big, fluffy lemon poppyseed cookies

fresh ginger tea


February 26, 2010 - .  

2 blueberry muffins from freezer with earth balance. oj.

red quinoa. root veggie fries (see yesterday). steamed kale with a delicious sauce that i actually made last night but due to poor planning was only able to eat today.

Click for the recipe.

saucepulse about 3 thumbs worth of ginger (or however much you can handle) in the food processor. add toasted sesame seeds and cashews, salt and agave to taste. add water until you achieve the consistency you want. serve on top of greens or pretty much anything.

delicious apple cinnamon sucker (thanks katherine!!!)

vietnamese sandwich

February 25, 2010


February 25, 2010 - .  

breakfast: Cheerios with soymilk; coffee

lunch: whole avocado; sliced apple; peanut butter and jelly on flatbread

snack: half a Nana’s chocolate chip cookie (fruit-sweetened; better than I thought it would be. sort of tastes like a healthy muffin.)

dinner: pasta with sauce (canned whole tomatoes; red onion; garlic; Kalamata olives; tempeh seasoned with Rapunzel broth, lemon, cayenne, and a bit of liquid smoke; salt and pepper); spinach sauteed with garlic, salt, and olive oil; Dogfish Head 90-Minute IPA (vegan according to Barnivore)

dessert: Purely Decadent Dulce de Leche soy ice cream


February 25, 2010 - .  

homemade whole wheat cinnamon-raisin bread from freezer, toasted; texas grapefruit

multigrain tortilla with fava bean puree, kalamata olives, roasted hot green pepper, spinach, ginger-miso dressing; spelt zucchini muffin with lemon buttercream frosting (even though i made this frosting myself and i know it’s solid crisco, earth balance, and powdered sugar, i can’t stop eating it); texas sweet orange

yogi goji berry flakes & clusters cereal with added unsweetened dried coconut and homemade soy milk; dried pineapple and mango

orzo, chickpeas, lightly steamed dandelion greens, and spicy tomato-bail sauce, adapted from a past issue of bon apetit magazine; a friend’s homebrewed lager. click here for tomato sauce recipe.


  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/4 c onion, minced
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/2 tsp fennel seeds, crushed by hand
  • 1/2-1 tsp red pepper flakes
  • 1 28-oz can crushed tomatoes
  • 1/4 c finely chopped fresh basil
  • 1/2 tsp oregano
  • ground black pepper
  • sea salt

saute the onion, garlic, fennel seeds, and red pepper in the olive oil for 5 minutes or until onions are soft. add the tomatoes, 2 tbsp basil, oregano, and let simmer for 5-6 minutes. season with salt & pepper and add the rest of the basil.

ibarra mexican hot chocolate prepared with unsweetened vanilla almond milk


February 25, 2010 - .  

blueberry muffin from freezer with earth balance

grapefruit tea in class

potato chips and pb&j

tofutti cutie

amy’s frozen samosa burrito, root vegetable baked ‘fries’ (beets, sweet potatoes, yukon golds with s/p and cumin)

dark chocolate and a sip of my friend’s orangina at the cso

February 24, 2010


February 24, 2010 - .  

breakfast: Cheerios with soymilk; coffee

lunch: leftover kale salad with fresh avocado and added sunflower seeds and cashews; peanut butter and jelly on flatbread

snack: banana; a couple apple slices drenched in fresh lemon juice

dinner: vegetable leek dumplings with soysauce (bought frozen from H Mart, and boiled for a couple minutes in Rapunzel broth);
seaweed salad (reconstitute about 1/3 c dried wakame in cold water (takes several minutes). Drain. In bowl, mix 1T miso, 1T rice vinegar, 1T sesame oil, 1T black sesame seeds. Combine this mixture thoroughly with the drained seaweed, sliced avocado, halved cherry tomatoes, apple chunks covered in lemon juice, and chopped scallions.);
scallion pancake stir fry (like last time: pancakes prepared with batter from mix, with long/thin-cut scallions added before the first flip; after pancakes are done, fry red onion, garlic, and thin carrot strips with red pepper flakes and hot pepper oil, then add chopped pancakes with any leftover scallions, plus some vegetarian oyster sauce. fresh lemon added at end.);

Żywiec beer (may or may not be vegan; “awaiting info” according to


February 24, 2010 - .  

cornflakes with raisins and soy milk; tiny banana (they are now overripe)

multigrain tortilla (central market tortilleria) with fava bean puree (turned out weird, i’ll try making it again and post the recipe if it is more successful), roasted hot green pepper, olives, spinach; texas sweet orange; spelt zucchini muffin

coffee at bennu; small gala apple

brown rice, black-eyed peas, steamed collard greens, sweet potato, honey mustard sauce, and louisiana hot sauce; texas sweet orange. the sweet potato was partly undercooked because i was too hungry to wait. i don’t recommend this (the undercooked parts tasted strangely like twizzlers…). click here for the honey (or agave) mustard sauce recipe.

whisk together:

  • 1/4 c honey or agave
  • 1/4 c mustard (preferably coarse ground, but i only had yellow mustard and it got the point across)
  • dash of lemon
  • dash of louisiana hot sauce or tabasco (optional/to taste)

treats from whole foods bulk: chocolate covered sour cherries, dr. chocolate, peanut butter chocolate pretzels

ginger mint tea (fresh ginger + fresh spearmint leaves, steeped in hot water)


February 24, 2010 - .  

tjs honey-os with soymilk. oj.

tjs soy nuggets with bbq, sauteed kale with garlic and tamari.

last of my tjs dark chocolate covered pretzels

reed’s ginger beer and blueberry muffin from freezer with earth balance

horseradish hummus (you guys are right it’s pretty awesome), garlic sprouts, tomato in a pita

tofutti cutie

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