breakfast: toasted everything bagel with tofu cream cheese, red onion, and tomato from A.R.E.A. Bagels; espresso
baked lentil chips with garlic hummus
Brooklyn Brewery Oktoberfest in the park (vegan according to Barnivore)
dinner: red beans and wild rice (saute garlic, red onion, red pepper flakes, and bay leaves in a bit of olive oil; add red beans; add a barbecue sauce made of ketchup, mustard, and vegan Worcestershire; add lemon, tarragon, and thyme; mix with cooked wild rice; stir in tomato paste and hot sauce to texture/taste, adding water if it gets too dry); collards sauteed with garlic, olive oil, sea salt, and maple syrup; basic biscuits (recipe here, on the Crisco website) with mushroom and “sausage” gravy (Saute 1/2 onion, 2-3 cloves garlic, and 6oz mushrooms in a dash of olive oil with tarragon, sage, and thyme; add 2c bouillon; separately make a roux of 1 T Earth Balance with 2 T flour, and add this to the gravy; simmer; separately saute Field Roast vegan sausage and add chunks of this to the gravy); whiskey on the rocks

licorice tea hot toddy (with agave instead of honey); Luna and Larry’s cherry amaretto coconut ice cream