August 6, 2010


August 6, 2010 - .  

breakfast: coffee; whole wheat pita and jalapeño hummus

lunch: whole wheat pita, half a tomato, and jalapeño hummus

airport Skittles and coffee-flavored frappuccino from Starbucks (may or may not be vegan; after much confusion and thinking that I established that it was just espresso and soymilk and ice, I saw the barista add two flavor shots. At that point, she had already started making the drink with regular milk (which I owe to the confusion caused by me trying to clarify if it was vegan in a very inefficient way), dumped it, and started over, so I had already wasted the equivalent of one non-vegan frappuccino. So even if this flavor is vegan, I think this is sort of a vegan fail.

dinner: leftover pasta with marinara sauce and sauteed seitan plus vegetables

Luden wild cherry throat drops

2nd dinner at Marcy’s: corn chowder; roasted beets; chocolate chip cookie dough (yum!)

marcy – vegan fail

August 6, 2010 - .  

raisin bread with “cream cheese”. oj.

amy’s teriyaki wrap. last of the cantaloupe.

homemade corn chowder, adapted from vegan planet. i roasted frozen corn and didn’t add a milk substitute. it turned out good. roasted beets, tossed with pepper and salt and balsamic.

chocolate chip cookie dough, recipe from vegan cookies take over your cookie jar.

UPDATE: i realized that i forgot to mention my vegan fail! i ate a cracker and while it was in my mouth read the box, which said that it contained artificial butter flavor which contained real dairy. i could taste it! oh well.

August 5, 2010


August 5, 2010 - .  

breakfast: toasted everything bagel with tofu cream cheese, tomato, and onion; coffee

lunch: half a tomato and whole wheat pita with jalapeño hummus; a pluot

Anchor Liberty Ale (vegan according to Barnivore); Mexican hot chocolate snickerdoodle cookie

dinner: multigrain pasta with marinara sauce, topped with homemade seitan sauteed with onion, garlic, corn, and spices. This reminded me of something that would be good to eat on a bike trip.


August 5, 2010 - .  

breakfast: coffee with soy creamer; banana

lunch: leftover tempeh sandwich; champagne grapes; more coffee with soy creamer; toasted pita with hummus; a few spoonfuls of “tuna” salad; french fries

dinner: couscous (1 cup couscous, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 cup coconut milk, salt) tossed with vegetables (zucchini, onions and tomatoes) cooked in orange juice, balsamic vinegar and canola oil and coconut tofu (tofu marinated in soy sauce, rice vinegar, coconut milk then coated with coconut flakes and baked at 400)

drink: sam adams lager (vegan according to barnivore)

snack: popcorn while watching the kids are all right


August 5, 2010 - .  

very unsatisfying smoothie with strawberries, raspberries, peaches, ricemilk.

brunch at m. henry: tofu scramble (it mostly tasted like turmeric and dill), home fries, yuba (according to the menu, yuba has been a staple soyfood in asia for thousands of years. made from the cream that rises to the top of hot soymilk when making tofu)


fancy dinner at yoshi’s cafe: grilled breaded tofu (probably a vegan fail but someone i didn’t know very well was buying me dinner so i didn’t inquire too much), and a ton of grilled veggies. salad with balsamic reduction and olive oil. homemade sorbet.

August 4, 2010


August 4, 2010 - .  

raisin toast with tofutti cream cheese

lunch at noodles etc. in hyde park: chow mein with tofu

ritz crackers and sour patch kids at inception. note to self: do not make a meal out of crackers and sour patch kids and then watch a movie featuring action scenes filmed with handheld camera, especially if you’re going to sit near the front. i feel like any of these elements alone would have been fine but they combined to make barfy times for sure.

dr praegers bombay burger with arugula, bbq on fresh whole wheat bread from medici

August 3, 2010


August 3, 2010 - .  

breakfast: shredded wheat with soymilk; coffee

lunch from NY Dosas: masala potato dosa, served with coconut chutney and sambar soup

corn tortilla chips; Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodle Cookies; a bit of chocolate Purely Decadent peanut butter swirl coconut ice cream

dinner: chocolate milk; romaine lettuce with simple mustard dressing (stone-ground mustard, apple cider vinegar, olive oil, and Bragg’s liquid aminos, all to taste), topped with homemade seitan sauteed with garlic, ginger, and Berebere spice mix; chipotle mac ‘n’ cheese

I’m not going to post the recipe for this yet because I didn’t measure anything and used some pre-made vegan cheese (Vegan rella) instead of making it entirely from scratch. The whole meal, chipotle in particular, was meant to cover up the taste of this cheese. I didn’t like it on its own, but something about it made me think it could be made to resemble Kraft mac ‘n’ cheese, which for some reason I thought was worth imitating.

So I mixed the cheese with: soymilk, nutritional yeast, stone-ground mustard, fresh lemon juice, Earth Balance, Bragg’s, bread crumbs, adobo sauce from canned chipotle peppers, and Mexican chili powder. I tossed the pasta with the sauce, topped with olive-oil-coated bread crumbs, and baked at 400F for about 20-30 minutes. It turned out surprisingly good, I think largely because of the chipotle taste. I’ll try it without the commercial cheese and with measuring next time so I can post a recipe.


August 3, 2010 - .  

breakfast: mint tea

lunch: toasted pita with lettuce, avocado, follow your heart cheese and a tomato

snacks: pizza from calvito’s and sunflower seeds

dinner: part of an everything bagel; fruit bowl (pineapple, blueberries, banana); cucumbers tossed in apple cider vinegar and sugar; about 8 of these amazing cookies my boss’s mom made- i wish i had the recipe.

check this out:


August 3, 2010 - .  

toast with peanut butter and cinnamon sugar

leftover rice and curry, chard

plain tostada shells

more curry and rice, csa salad

cantaloupe with cashew “cream”

August 2, 2010


August 2, 2010 - .  

breakfast: shredded wheat with soymilk; coffee

lunch at Patsy’s: spaghetti al pomodoro; salad with lettuce, carrots, tomato, olives, olive oil, and vinegar

dinner: leftover potato and red lentil seitan curry with romaine lettuce; potato chips

PBR at Mercury Lounge

Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodle cookie dough and cookies


August 2, 2010 - .  

blueberry muffin at fritz pastry–awesome! iced king crimson tea.

last of the mac n cheese. csa salad.

plain tostada shells.

green olives.

leftover curry with brown rice. leftover chard.

cantaloupe with “cream”

part of a pb&j quesadilla (emily taught me this)

more olives

August 1, 2010


August 1, 2010 - .  

breakfast: toasted everything bagel with Tofutti cream cheese and fresh garden tomato; blueberries; coffee

lunch: Trader Joe’s masala veggie burger with melted vegan cheese, lettuce, tomato, homemade pickle and pickled onion, ketchup, and jalapeño Tabasco on bread

dinner: lentil-rice Dosas (followed this recipe but did not let it ferment overnight) and romaine lettuce with Aloo Masala (from this recipe) and seitan red lentil curry (I first prepared homemade seitan by mixing about 1.5c wheat gluten: 1.25c water, kneading, then boiling in vegetable broth+soy sauce+bay leaves+olive oil for about an hour. While that boiled, I started cooking red lentils (just covering in water then simmering until soft, adding more water if necessary); when they were done, I stirred tomato paste into the lentils. Separately, I sauteed onion in olive oil, then after a couple minutes added lemongrass, garlic, ginger, berebere spice mix, turmeric, cumin, coriander, cayenne, and salt. After a couple more minutes, I added fresh tomato, then after a few more minutes added the lentil/tomato paste mixture. Finally, I added coconut milk, cilantro, and chopped up seitan.)

Anchor Liberty Ale (vegan according to Barnivore) while watching Soylent Green; chocolate soymilk

cookie dough while making Mexican Hot Chocolate Snickerdoodle cookies (didn’t bake cookies yet)


August 1, 2010 - .  

whole wheat toast with peanut butter and cinnamon sugar. oj.

leftover mac and cheese, baked beans, salad with the csa stuff

dinner: swiss chard, sauteed with tamari, pepper, and raisins. this was inspired by something emily’s mom made for us one time–chard isn’t my favorite green (i got it in my veggie box) and actually raisins aren’t my favorite food either, but somehow together they’re not so bad. curry: i salted a couple small eggplants (csa), and while they sweated i diced an onion (csa) and threw it on the stove to brown. oh, and i boiled a piece of tempeh for 10 minutes or so. when the onions were cooked i added the eggplant and tempeh, and then some curry from a can that i got at the supermarket, along with a can of coconut milk. curry in a can is so much easier! then i had cantaloupe (csa) with cashew “cream”

Click for the recipe.


  • cashews
  • water (i read that light colored fruit juice (apple, white grape) works well too
  • agave or other sweetner
  • vanilla

boil the cashews in the water or juice (i read that soaking overnight is good too). drain the cashews, reserving the cooking liquid. pulse the cashews in the blender with the agave and a dash of vanilla, adding some of the cooking water slowly, as necessary.


August 1, 2010 - .  

dear blog friends and loyal readers:

tomorrow i’m leaving for a 3-week trip to the dominican republic. after much thought, i’ve decided not to blog during this time. while traveling and eating at restaurants and at the homes of my friend’s family members, i’m going to do my best to choose vegan options, but i anticipate that it will be challenging and not always under my control. i will do the best i can and report back on how it goes- hopefully with some tips for other vegan travelers- but probably will not record all the details. i also expect to have infrequent internet access so will have to catch up with my fellow bloggers’ adventures when i get back. dear blog friends and loyal readers, i hope i’m not letting you down!!


July 31, 2010


July 31, 2010 - .  

“brunch”: espresso; Spicy Sweet Chili Doritos (yeah.)

peach and strawberry chunks while chopping fruit for beer-brewing (beer subsequently exploded out of 6-gallon jug, fruit hitting ceiling)

homemade pickles and onions, roasted peppers, vegan cheese, and tomatoes on rice crackers; blueberry mojitos

dinner at Japan Inn: agedofu with no bonito; eggplant appetizer with no bonito; miso soup; avocado roll, shiitake mushroom roll, and vegetable spring roll, all with soy sauce; Sapporo (vegan according to Barnivore). I’m starting to wonder if the spring roll has eggs in it; I thought I asked once but it tasted suspicious. They also previously said they use vegetable-based broth for the miso soup, agedofu, etc., but it’s worth asking again, especially about the eggplant dish.

stacey- block island and narragansett, ri

July 31, 2010 - .  

breakfast: onion bagel with earth balance; banana; almonds

snacks/ drinks: miller lite; calvitto’s pizza strip; a few chips and fries from other people’s sandwiches; a taste of mike’s classic raspberry margarita

lunch at froozies: lentil nut burger (lentil mixed with cashews and sunflower seeds, zucchini and spices topped with dill vegan mayonnaise, sprouts, lettuce and tomato)

dinner/drinks at rhody joes: baked potato; sweet potato fries; steamed broccoli; narragansett beer and miller lite (both vegan according to barnivore)

emily: road trip

July 31, 2010 - .  

the last two days blurred into one because i did a big fridge cleanout and an overnight road trip. i ate a lot of weird stuff that i can’t totally remember. i had two notable fast food stops while driving, at what i think are the best options for vegans that can be found at almost any rest stop:

taco bell: good job

for dinner last night i had two fresco bean burritos. “fresco” means that they had lettuce and tomato instead of cheese and sour cream- in other words, i could order something completely vegan without having to make any off-the-menu special requests! good job, taco bell!

subway: frustrations

subway is always a good option on the road, but i had two frustrations: subway’s pizza, which looked delicious when my friend ordered it, comes frozen with the cheese already on the crust (even though they also add more cheese later), so there is no way to make it vegan. also, when i had subway at 8:00 this morning, the subway employee who made my sandwich would not let me pass off my veggie delight as an egg-and-cheese-breakfast-sandwich-hold-the-egg-and-cheese, but made me pay for the veggie delight, which cost almost twice as much even though it contained all the same veggies. in other words, i had to pay more to NOT have egg and cheese on my sandwich!

one other note: i found stage planks at a gas station near memphis. i’ve only ever seen these at gas stations in the south. try them if you see them!


July 31, 2010 - .  

whole wheat bagel with tofutti cream cheese. oj.

last of the leftover pizza

chocolate avocado cupcake

cantaloupe and peach–i started getting a box of produce from a csa called edible alchemy. it’s cool, you pay as you go and it’s every 2 weeks.

vietnamese sandwich. salad with arugula and cucumbers from the csa, and also apples, onion, and pine nuts–i tossed it in balsamic vinegar and olive oil.

illicit but organic substance.

whiskey and ginger ale

July 30, 2010

katherine – vegan fail :(

July 30, 2010 - .  

breakfast from Think Coffee: toasted everything bagel with Tofutti cream cheese and sprouts; double espresso

lunch: spinach noodles with tofu and vegetables (by Macro Vegetarian)

snacks at going-away party for co-worker: tortilla chips with salsa, mango guacamole, and tomato+corn guacamole; cherries; Double Stuf Oreos; Labatt Blue (vegan according to Barnivore); Corona (vegan according to Barnivore)

The vegan fail was that I bought tortilla chips to the party but I was not the person who put out the food, so when I saw a bowl of tortilla chips, I assumed they were the ones I brought. So I started eating those with a salsa, and then after a few chips someone said, “I love these Tostidos Hint-of-Lime chips!”, which aren’t vegan, and which had filled the bowl instead of my chips. Oops.

dinner: leftover spinach noodles; Doritos Spicy Sweet Chili chips (I believe the only vegan Doritos?)

Magic Hat #9 (vegan according to Barnivore) at Fang Banger (with Norah Jones!) show


July 30, 2010 - .  

breakfast: almonds; banana

lunch at bouchard’s for my cousin’s wedding: i don’t think that they normally have any vegan food on their menu, but my cousin asked them to make a vegan option.  the food was delicious.  i am not sure if i have ever had vegan french food.

preambles chaudes: vegan puff pastry; sauteed mushrooms and asparagus

pallet cleanser: lemon sorbet with a slice of lemon

plat principaux: an assortment of vegetables; white beans in a squash bowl; pasta with fresh tomato sauce

pour finir: raspberry sorbet with raspberries

white wine- i forget the brand, but they looked it up and said it’s vegan

snack: almond crunch bar

dinner delivered from via via gourmet pizza: pizza (dough and tomato sauce, no veggies) and falafel

dessert: grapes

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