May 29, 2010


May 29, 2010 - .  

espresso and really good vegan chocolate chunk cookie at The Slow Train Cafe (new coffee shop in Oberlin, OH)

brunch at The Mandarin: tea; sauteed string beans; Taste of Nirvana (deep fried wheat gluten); white rice with a bit of soy sauce; fortune cookie

Swedish fish

dinner at Taylor and Pam’s house: delicious homemade black-eyed pea burgers on bread with ketchup and stone-ground mustard; carrot+ginger+sesame salad; pineapple; lemon sorbet; vegan cappuccino coconut ice cream; strawberries; ginger snaps

PBR; Southern Comfort


  1. stacey's comment:

    what brand has cappuccino soy ice cream? i miss cappuccino ice cream so much! was it strange with coconut


    katherine's reply:

    It was so good, but I can’t remember the brand! I had never seen it before. I will try to track it down.


  2. marcy's comment:

    ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh taste of nirvanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


    katherine's reply:



    stacey's reply:



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