April 2, 2010


April 2, 2010 - .  

breakfast(s): half a lemon poppyseed “scone”; coffee from Cherrywood Coffeehouse; half a leftover blueberry pancake; banana; a few bites of Stacey’s green popcorn

lunch from Veggie Heaven (Austin, TX): portions of Protein 2000, Lucky Number 7, a yam dish, and brown rice

mint cookie vegan milk shake from Toy Joy

samples at Central Market: clementine, magic pop with peanut butter, coffee, soy chocolate gelato

tangelo slices

dinner: macaroni and cheeze from Robin Robertson’s 1,000 vegan recipes (one version with regular elbow macaroni, one with quinoa elbows; both with collard greens); mead (made by John’s friend… contains honey); Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale; Shiner flight, including the Bock, Lite, Blonde, Kosmos, Black, and Hefeweizen (the Hefeweizen has honey)

oatmeal creme pies, made with homemade oatmeal cookies and Ricemellow Creme

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