February 11, 2011


February 11, 2011 - .  

breakfast: shredded wheat with soymilk; coffee from Oren’s Daily Roast

lab lunch at Volare (nothing vegan on the menu but they made custom vegan food for me): pasta with marinara sauce; salad (cabbage and vegetables with oil, vinegar, and herbs); pasta with vegetables, garlic, and garlicky broth; espresso; coconut sorbet served in a coconut shell. This was the best coconut sorbet I’ve ever had. I asked about egg whites and they said there weren’t any (but I would ask again). They served the lemon sorbet in a hollowed lemon peel and the pineapple sorbet in a quarter hollowed pineapple.

leftover collards; Michael’s leftover udon with tofu dish

dinner: bok choy with cashews; Tofurkey frozen pizza with Daiya cheese; leftover mac and cheese

Jujubes; Captain Lawrence Nor’easter (vegan according to Barnivore)

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