June 4, 2010


June 4, 2010 - .  

breakfast: shredded wheat with soymilk; coffee; toast with Earth Balance

lunch: leftover raw kale salad; sandwich on onion bread with raw collard greens, green onion, Vegenaise, and black-pepper-flavored Tofurkey slices; another piece of onion bread with Earth Balance

Corona; Heineken

everything bagel (with nothing on it)

chocolate chips

late-night “dinner”: half a Boca burger (the other half of which led to a emergency-room-caliber cooking injury); onion bread with Vegenaise


  1. stacey's comment:

    what happened?!!!


    katherine's reply:

    Michael cut (off) a part of his finger tip. Warning: do not try to separate frozen vegan (or non-vegan) burgers with a sharp knife.


  2. emily's comment:

    yeah, what happened???!


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