April 18, 2010


April 18, 2010 - .  

i feel the need to explain my bad eating habits these past couple of weeks.  i am moving at the end of the month and am trying to eat a lot of the food i have in my house, so i don’t have to pack it.  that means a lot of dried goods and not many fresh foods.

banana “ice cream” (frozen ripe bananas blended to make banana ice cream)

pesto pasta

Milwaukee’s best

chocolate chips

a taste of the okra stew and brown rice that I made for lunch tomorrow (the recipe is in the recipe archive)

dinner with nate, shelley and eva: asparagus and mustard green risotto (with veggie broth, vegetable oil, baby bella mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, asparagus and mustard greens).  this was a great success considering we did not use Earth Balance or wine- the porcini mushrooms were the key to this dish

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