gingerbread muffin from freezer with earth balance. oj.
sandwich with tomato, horseradish hummus, clover sprouts. bag of lightly salted potato chips.
gingerbread muffin
leftover gallo pinto, sauteed kale with timari
a friend’s homemade hummus and pita
some roasted vegetables which were highly anticipated (they took forever in the oven) but unfortunately cooked with chicken broth, which i realized after i had already eaten a couple bites. no bigs, my friend wasn’t used to vegetarianism and it didn’t occur to anyone to mention it to me. she felt super bad!
lots of 3 buck chuck shiraz–i got a really awesome one this time
stacey's comment:
March 5, 2010 at 9:28 am
i just went onto barnivore to look up 3 buck chuck. I looked it up a couple of months ago and i thought barnivore said that none of it was vegan. now it says some of it is vegan (! if it’s true, it’s great news. i’m going to see if i can find out more information.